
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Party

We had a wonderful time at our Winter Party! Thank you so much to the parents who helped! Many kindergarteners told me this was "The best day in the whole world"! I hope you have a wonderful winter break and enjoy your time with your lovely children! School resumes January 3rd! Enjoy the pictures from the party!

Friday, December 7, 2012

5 Senses

It's been another busy week in room 222! We had the opportunity to learn from all the Kindergarten teachers and rotated classrooms to learn new math games and to complete science experiments using our five senses!

In Mrs. Richardson's room we played a game called "Roll a Snowman." The students worked in pairs to roll dice and add the dots (numbers) together. The sum gave them a picture to add to their snowman. In Ms. Mehwald's room we played the game of "double compare" which was adding 2 numbers together and writing the corresponding math equation on paper! In Mrs. Ottis's classroom, we played the game "Roll and Record." We worked on "counting on" from the bigger number! For example if a student rolled a 6 & 3, they would point to the 6 and say SIX...then point to the 3 dots and count on 7, 8, 9! The student would then record the number 9 on the chart! In our classroom we played the game "Race to 100." In this game students learned to "count on." They used a 100's chart and rolled a dice...they would color the number of squares that they rolled...then the second time around, they would "count on" from the current number! It was a race to get to 100! We had a great time working with partners and learning from all of the kindergarten teachers!

In the afternoon, we rotated to learn about the 5 senses! Mrs. Richardson taught us about the sense of touch! We learned that we can "feel" with our skin! We can feel smooth, bumpy, hot cold, soft and hard! We had to grab inside a bag and guess what it was! In Ms. Mehwald's room we learned about the sense of sight! She would put things on the table...then we would close our eyes and she would take one away...we would have to guess which one she took away! In Mrs. Ottis's room we learned about the sense of sound. We had 5 containers that were BLACK...each container had different things inside...we had to shake it, listen to the sound and guess what it was! In our classroom we learned about the sense of smell! I gave the students baggies containing different smells. We had to smell them and guess what it was! In our classroom we also learned about the sense of taste. We learned that the tip of our tongue tastes sweet things, the sides of our tongue tastes sour and salty things, and the back of our tougne tastes things that are bitter. During our taste test we paid close attention to where we were tasting on our tongue! THANK YOU to all of the parents who dontated items for our taste test. Please enjoy the pictures below!

Next week's schedule:
Tuesday-B-day (field trip to Kaleidoscope in the morning)
Friday-A-day (POPCORN day)

We're also assessing on our ribbon goals for the 2nd quarter report card! Thank you for working with your child at home!