
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fiction and Teddy Bear Slumber Party

We've had another FANTASTIC week in kindergarten!!!! We studied fiction and used bears to help us learn! We've read SO many bear books! While reading each book we discussed the fiction parts of the story!

We enjoyed reading, The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear! After reading the story we thought of ways we could "hide" the strawberry from the bear! We have some very creative friends in our class! Of course we had to enjoy a very special treat, strawberry shortcake! THANK YOU to all the families that donated something! You make these activities happen!!!

Last night our teddy bears spent the night at school! We couldn't believe what we saw this morning when we came into our classroom...the bears had hopped out of their special spot and were all over our classroom "playing"...can you believe the bears came to life??? Fiction is so much fun!

Next week's schedule:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Nonfiction Bears and 3rd Quarter Celebration!

The students came back from spring break rested and ready to learn!  We all agree that we are ready for the weather to feel like spring, instead of WINTER!  This week we have been having a lot of fun learning around a "bear" theme.  We have been reading many nonfiction books about bears!  We have been identifying nonfiction text features such as a table of contents, glossary, and captions under pictures.  The students have enjoyed making their own nonfiction books to share their knowledge.

In math we have been practicing our adding skills by playing some fun dice games.  We have also begun to practice subtraction.  We are learning that addition and subtraction work together.  The students have been using Teddy Grahams to solve subtraction problems!  We like this challenging work. 

In writing we have been writing our own nonfiction book about ourselves.  We have been busy brainstorming and writing rough drafts.  Next week we will practice editing and will be writing final copies.  We hope to publish our final copies using a really cool website to make a book!

We have been celebrating our success this quarter!  We had a ribbon ceremony where many of our friends were recognized as "Kindergarten Experts" (they have earned ALL 8 Kindergarten ribbons).  Continue to work with your children at home to meet our ribbon goals.  Our goal is to have a class full of Kindergarten Experts before we graduate to first grade.  We also celebrated with the first graders!  Enjoy the pictures below of our quarterly celebration!

Our schedule for next week is:
Monday-B Day
Tuesday-C Day
WednesdayD Day
Thursday-A Day
Friday-B Day

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dr. Seuss and Main Idea

We have had a great week of learning this week! The students have had a lot of fun listening to many Dr. Seuss books! We got to read The Cat and the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax, and Yerttle the Turtle! The students voted for their favorite book. Our class favorite was The Lorax.

We have been spending a lot of time being reading detectives and identifying the main idea of all the stories we are reading in class! We have also been identifying supporting details that help us identify the main idea!

The students wrote about their snowy day pictures! They had so much fun using word choice (describing words) and voice (writing how you feel) to describe their snow day adventures!

Next week we will not have school for Spring Break! I hope you enjoy your long vacation! The schedule for the week of March 18 - March 22 is as follows:

Monday-A Day
Tuesday-B Day
Wednesday-C Day
Thursday-D Day
Friday-A Day

Enjoy our Center Time pictures!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Snow Days, Coins, and Teeth

We hope you enjoyed your snow days! We have been working hard on identifying the coins and stating their value! We've learned poems for each coin, made a puppet for each coin and have learned a few songs! At the end of this week, we assessed kindergarten students on the green ribbon (coins)! We will reassess those that didn't earn their ribbon next week!

We're busy getting ready for 3rd quarter assessments! We have worked SO hard this year! If your child has not earned all of the ribbons, please keep working on those skills at home! It is VERY important to have mastered thses skills before 1st grade!

We started talking about teeth and how to take care of your teeth! Today we worked with a partner to write a "how to"...How To Take Care of Your Teeth...we used a sequence paper of a puppy that was brushing his teeth to help with our writing! We worked on writing "5 finger" stories! Each story needed a beginning...first, next, last...and an ending! The picture helped with the writing process! We will be finishing our How To books next week.

And of course on a popcorn Friday we enjoyed a little treat!

Next week's schedule:
Friday-NO SCHOOL...

March 11-15-SPRING BREAK