
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, October 5, 2012


The students have been learning that during the fall seasonvthe weather turns cooler, the leaves begin to change colors, animals find food and eat a lot to prepare for winter.  The students have had the opportunity to experience these fall changes this week!  Brrrr....it is cold outside.  Please remember to dress your child appropriately for recess!  I suggest leaving a jacket and a hat in your child's backpack so he/she is always prepared for cool weather.

The students are working so hard to learn Jolly Phonics sounds!  We are ALMOST finished with our Jolly Phonics program.  PLEASE continue to practice the sounds every night at home.  This week we learned the sounds for oo, y, x, and ch.  The students learned that ch is a part of the "h" brother family and is the VERY noisy brother!  We have been busy reading and writing words with these sounds.  I am so proud of the hard work students are doing at home practicing blending sounds on Word List homework!  Please help your child "blend" the sounds together and read the words on the word lists.  Don't forget to sign your name to the list and return it to school.

We have really jumped into work in Writer's Workshop.  This week we focused on drawing detailed pictures.  We visualized the picture we wanted to draw in our minds and tried to see what it looked like in real life.  Then, we tried our best to draw the picture.  We didn't give up even if the picture was hard to draw.  We worked really hard to draw people with arms, bodies, legs, hands, feet, and all the facial features.  We used words to label the items in our picture to help our readers know what we were writing about.

In math we have been busy learning 3D shapes.  The students have been exploring their environment and looking for spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, rectangular prisms, and pyramids.  We have been comparing and contrasting the shapes by looking at the "faces" and the "edges".  We ended the week playing the "Game of Compare" with our third grade buddies.  We worked on number identification while playing this fun game with a third grade friend.

Our schedule for next week:
Monday - B Day
Tuesday- C Day
Wednesday D Day
Thursday- A Day
Friday- B Day