
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Earth Day and Time

We have had an awesome week in Room 222! We've continued our work with time to the hour and time to the half hour! We are getting "tricked" on time to the half hour...it's difficult to figure out where the "hour hand" is pointing too! We will continue to practice this skill the remainder of the year! The kids are really enjoying learning how to "read" the clock!

We spent a lot of time learning about "how to take care of the Earth." We discussed the 3 R's...(reduce, reuse and recycle)! It is always fun to hear how the students will take care of the Earth! Our class learned about how big a landfill can grow by making an "edible" landfill.  Each ingredient in our landfill represented trash that gets thrown away (oil, yard waste, styrofoam, dirt to cover up the smell, paper, etc.)  We talked about how the 3 R's could make a lot of that waste disappear from our landfills!

We have focused on the comprehension skill of making inferences.  We have been writing "clues" to help our classmates "infer" what the author is feeling and thinking.  Then we share our clues and the class gets to "infer"!  This is a challenging skill and we are having a lot of fun practicing!

 Next week's schedule:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Weather, Time and The Three Piggy Opera!

It's been a great week in kindergarten! We've made clocks out of paperplates. We know what each part of the clock is called (face, minute hand, hourhand and second hand)! We are telling time to the hour and writing time to thehour. We have a few students who have figured out how to tell time to theminute! We will keep working with time through next week!  We read the book "The Grouchy Ladybug" and had fun making a book that we can use to retell the story at home!

We have been reading non-fiction books about the weather. The students have learned a lot of facts about different types of weather.  We have made some fun books about weather.  Make sure you have your child read his/her books to you!

We performed our musical for the entire school on Wednesday afternoon!We had a great dress rehearsal! Thursday night we had a big crowd! It is alwaysfun to see everyone perform!

Next week's schedule:


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Science Fair

Our science fair project was on display this week! It has been fun "observing" our plants (grass) and recording our data! We've continued our learning with plants. This week we have sequenced the plant pictures as it grows and labeled the parts of the plant along. We've learned special jobs that each plant part has!

We've continued on with our computation problems (addition/subtraction)! The students are getting faster and some are learning those facts by memorization! Please continue to work on these problems through the rest of the year and in the summer. This week we mixed the problems on the same paper (both addition and subtraction) so we REALLY had to pay attention to the sign!

In music we're practicing for our music performance! It is next Thursday, April 18th! We can't wait for you to see it!

Next week's schedule:

Monday-A-day (Musical Stage Rehearsal - all Kindergarteners will go to Music)

Tuesday-B-day (Musical Stage Rehearsal - all Kindergarteners will go to Music)

Wednesday-C-day  (Music Performance at 1:40 dress rehearsal)...

Thursday-D-day ***Normal Specials this day*** (Music Performance in the Evening at 7:00)...


Friday, April 5, 2013


It's been another busy week in kindergarten! We've been working hard on our class science fair project! We are learning about the scientific method and plants at the same time! We've enjoyed observing or "watching" our grass grow! Our testable question is: What Do Plants Need to Grow? We've learned that plants need 5 things to grow: air, water, space, soil and sunlight! Plants will NOT grow without water! However, plants will grow in the dark (but they are yellow-need sunlight to be healthy) and plants will grow with NO air for just a little while, but they will soon wilt and turn brown!

Cup A-water, seeds, sunglight, air and NO soil (some are actually growing, just a little)

Cup B-seeds, sunlight, soil, air and NO water

Cup C-water, seeds, soil, air and NO sunlight (growing, but is yellow in color)

Cup D-water, seeds, soil, sunlight and NO air (growing, but will soon wilt)

Cup E-water, seeds, soil, sunlight and air....(growing and GREEN)

Check out this fun video/song on the needs of plants!


We've continued our work with addition/subtraction problems every day! We are using manipulatives (teddy grahams, counting bears and some use their fingers) to help us master the problems!

We're also working hard during writer's workshop to write 5-finger stories! We've been writing non-fiction stories about ourselves and our families!

Next week’s schedule:

Monday-D day
Tuesday-A day
Wednesday-B day
Thursday-C day
Friday-D day