We spent a lot of time learning about "how to take care of the Earth." We discussed the 3 R's...(reduce, reuse and recycle)! It is always fun to hear how the students will take care of the Earth! Our class learned about how big a landfill can grow by making an "edible" landfill. Each ingredient in our landfill represented trash that gets thrown away (oil, yard waste, styrofoam, dirt to cover up the smell, paper, etc.) We talked about how the 3 R's could make a lot of that waste disappear from our landfills!
We have focused on the comprehension skill of making inferences. We have been writing "clues" to help our classmates "infer" what the author is feeling and thinking. Then we share our clues and the class gets to "infer"! This is a challenging skill and we are having a lot of fun practicing!