
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, January 25, 2013

MLK and the 100th Day

We have had a fun week this week in Kindergarten!  We "officially" celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday!  But, we have been celebrating in Kindergarten ALL week!  We separated Fruit Loops into ten groups of ten to make a necklace with 100 Fruit Loops, we made a book about 100, we made Derdnuh (hundred spelled backwards) which contained 100 pieces of snacks!  Enjoy the pciture below of Mrs. Ottis's class and our class SMILING with our Derdnuh snack!  We have had a really fun time practicing counting to 100 by ones, tens, fives, and twenty-fives!  We are definitely 100 days SMARTER!

The Kindergarten students have also been learning about Martin Luther King Jr.  The students learned in our past people weren't always treated fairly and Martin Luther King worked hard to change that!  We were proud that Martin Luther King used his words to help change peoples' beliefs and make life fair for everyone!

We continue to grow as writers in Writer's Workshop.  We are working really hard to use descriptive words in our writing.  We used a lot of adjectives to describe our winter hats.  We placed all of our winter hats on the floor.  I read the descriptions and we had to guess which hat the author was writing about!  I am very proud of our progress!

In Reader's Workshop, we have been working hard to identify the problem and the solution in the stories that we are reading in class and the stories that we are reading indpendently!  We learned that sometimes the problem/solution isn't directly stated in the story and that you sometimes have to "read between the lines" to figure it out on your own!  You can practice this skill at home when reading with your Kindergartner!

Our schedule for next week:
Monday-A Day
Tuesday-B Day
Wednesday-C Day
Thursday-D Day
Friday- A Day