
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Winter Fun

We have been so busy this week developing our reading, writing, and math skills. It is amazing how fast these kids are progressing.  Lately, I am loving uncovering their strengths. In reader's workshop we have been working on "thinking" while we are reading.  The students are being asked to identify story elements and write about them after reading fiction books and write facts they learned after reading nonfiction books.  We are continuing to practice retelling stories remembering important events.  The class is starting to love "reading" time and are getting really excited about being "readers!"
In writer's workshop we continue to work on using good word choice in our stories.  The students are also focusing on writing stories with a beginning, three middles, and an end.  We call these stories "five-finger" stories and use our fingers to help us self-evaluate our work.  We read "The Jacket I Wear in the Snow".  Then, we created our own book about the jackets that we wear in the snow!  The students were SO involved with this project and I was incredibly impressed with our writing.  Today we invited all the Kindergarten students to our classroom.  We put our jackets on our chairs and lined them up in the back of the classroom.  I read our students' stories and the Kindergartners had to "guess" which jacket the author was describing!  Our students were very proud authors and it was fun for the other students to use our details to guess the jacket! Your child's story is coming home today!  Ask you child to share his/her story with you!

We got to email in the computer lab for the first time this week.  I hope you enjoyed recieving your child's message!  Emailing is such a fun way for our students to highlight their writing skills!  Don't forget to email back!

Schedule for next week:
Monday-B Day
Tuesday-C Day
Wednesday-D Day
Thursday-A Day
Friday B Day