
Welcome to English Landing Room 222! Our Kindergarten students learn, grow, and experience success each day in our classroom! Enjoy "stepping" inside our room and discovering how much fun Kindergarten can be!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Solar System and Fractions

We have had a great week of learning this week! Our topic has been the Solar System and our students have LOVED every minute of learning about the planets. We learned that the sun is a star and it is the most important part of our solar system. We learned about our moon and the kids learned why it appears to change shape! We have learned a lot of facts about each planet. We will continue our solar system learning next week!

Our class has also been studying fractions. We have learned that a fraction is when something is divided into equal parts. We learned that the "numerator" or the "top number" tells us how many parts and the "denominator" or the "bottom number" tells us how many pieces there are all together. We have been drawing shapes and creating our own fractions. We have also been identifying fractions and problem solving with fractions. Fractions are a a challenging topic but we are really beginning to understand!

We have been having a lot of fun imagining in writer's workshop. We have written about what it would be like to be an astronaut exploring space. We pretended that we discovered a brand new planet and wrote about what it would be like on this planet! It is fun to see the excitement for writing when we are being creative.

I have included a picture that I received from our "Piggy Opera" musical! It is an oldie, but a goodie!

Our schedule continues to be a little different due to MAP testing in the older grades. Our specials are from 10:30-11:20 in the morning. Our afternoon recess is from 2:40-3:00. Our specials schedule for next week is as follows:

Wednesday-PE and Music
Friday-Music and PE (back to normal specials and recess times)